About Optimum Medical Group

Trusted by Patients Nationwide

Optimum Medical Group offers Medical Aesthetics Services and Cosmetic Surgery through state-of-the-art technology and medical expertise. OMG was founded by well-known cosmetic surgeon, Dr Porfirio Tica with over 45 years of experience and expertise in the field. Together with his partner and protégé, they have brought together a talented and dedicated staff that provides the best care and service to meet the patients’ cosmetic treatments and reconstructive needs.

Explore countless new possibilities to discover your true self with Optimum Medical Group.

OMG is the only medical group in the country that offers Endoscopic surgery together with brow lift, fox eye and ponytail, and breast augmentation. They are also only 1 of 3 doctors in the whole Philippines who have a Renuvion machine with specialized technology applied after Liposuction to address skin laxity.

Dr Porfirio Tica
Our Mission

Our mission is to deliver outstanding professional patient care through our team of board-certified surgeons, anaesthesiologists, and nurses, including our experienced and highly-qualified non-operative technicians and staff. We accomplish this by creating a patient-centric environment, that delivers excellent quality of care and safety, and ensures privacy, respect, dignity and compassion in every procedure we do.

Our Vision

Our vision is to become a premiere cosmetic surgery institution in the country that transforms and enhances patients’ lives and provide them with a strong sense of self-confidence, well-being, self-image and self-fulfilment through non-invasive treatments and medical surgical procedures.

Our Services

Achieve a higher level of self-confidence, positive self-image and personal fulfilment.